Spinal Injury
better care at home
Our service is rated ‘Good’ by CQC in all five measures – safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led – which we now provide families with peace of mind that their loved one or family member is receiving the highest standards of care at a time they need it most.
The nature of spinal cord injury means that, for many people, it is a sudden and often devastating diagnosis as a result of accident, infection or disease. The lengthy spell in the hospital that many people experience can leave a lot of time for reflection, as the person adjusts to their injury, and concerns about how they will manage in the long-term, at LAM Services we believe with the best care people living with spinal injury can lead a happy and healthy life.
Understanding it all, what is
Spinal injury?
Spinal injury is when the spinal cord, a thick bundle of nerves connected to the brain, becomes damaged, so the brain can no longer communicate as effectively with the person’s body. A spinal injury may be referred to as incomplete because the person still has some functionality and/or sensation below their injury, or complete because functionality and sensation have been completely lost. Incomplete spinal injuries are becoming more common as medical responses and treatments are refined to care for people with spinal cord damage more appropriately. Spinal injuries are usually graded by medical professionals depending upon where the spine was damaged. The higher the spinal cord the injury occurs, the more severe the effects will be. Types of spinal injury include Tetraplegia, Paraplegia, andTrilegiant.
Looking for care?
If you require our services on a public holiday, overnight services or live-in services, please call (+44)1332 270833 so we can discuss what's best for you.
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