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Specialist in Supported Living, Homecare and Supply of teachers

Living Well with Learning Disability with Better Care

Learning Disability
better care at home

Our service is rated ‘Good’ by CQC in all five measures – safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led – which we now provide families with peace of mind that their loved one or family member is receiving the highest standards of care at a time they need it most.
Just like everyone else, people with learning disabilities want to live as full and rewarding a life as conceivable, with choice and freedom available to them. We recognise that even the smallest amount of support can make a huge difference in enlightening self-esteem and independence, and our professional care assistants have the specialist knowledge and extensive practical experience to support those with many different aspects of learning disabilities.

Learning disabilities vary significantly from one person to another and may be mild, moderate, or more complex. They also may be associated with physical or emotional issues. They can have an impact on behaviour, relationships, learning, communication, and social skills. Regardless of the learning disability you or your family member experiences our highly trained carers are committed to providing person-centred support that focuses on skills, abilities, and wellbeing, and enables you or your loved one to live a fulfilled life.
Respite Care Service
Overnight Care
Condition – led Care
Live-in Care
Hospital to Home Care
Medication Management

Understanding it all, what is
Learning Disability?

A learning disability affects the way a person recognises the information and how they communicate. This means they can have difficulty: understanding new or complex information, learning new skills. coping independently.

The most common types are; Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory processing disorder, language processing disorder, Nonverbal learning disabilities and Visual perceptual/visual motor deficit.

Looking for care?

If you require our services on a public holiday, overnight services or live-in services, please call (+44)1332 270833 so we can discuss what's best for you.

    For Employers

    Find the potential carers for your needs here at LAM Services. We guarantee the professional, skilled, and experienced level of our staff.

    We're Hiring

    Become a carer at LAM Services and enjoy a healthy work environment, competitive salary as well as strong support from everyone at work.
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