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Living Well with Knee and Hip Replacement

Knee and Hip Replacement
better care at home

Our service is rated ‘Good’ by CQC in all five measures – safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led – which we now provide families with peace of mind that their loved one or family member is receiving the highest standards of care at a time they need it most.
Healing and rehabilitation times vary among patients. Deviation from the “typical” recovery timeline cannot always be predicted, but differences are usually okay as long as the patient, physical therapist, and doctor continue to work together towards a full recovery. During this process, the person mobility will be hindered and support would hugely require.

Together we create a bespoke care and support plan to help you attain your specific goals. We talk to you about what is important in your life and your personal needs and preferences Our dedicated staff team are fully trained to provide a wide range of care and support.

Respite Care Service
Overnight Care
Condition – led Care
Live-in Care
Hospital to Home Care
Medication Management

Understanding it all, what is
Knee and Hip Replacement?

A hip replacement involves replacing your hip joint with an artificial version. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. A hip replacement offers a long-term solution for worn or damaged hip joints, which can cause severe discomfort and loss of mobility.

Total hip replacement surgery is usually very successful, but it can be aggressive and require a lengthy recovery period. An alternative method, known as metal-on-metal hip resurfacing, involves replacing the diseased or damaged surfaces in the hip joint with metal plating, which requires fewer prosthetics and less bone removal.

Looking for care?

If you require our services on a public holiday, overnight services or live-in services, please call (+44)1332 270833 so we can discuss what's best for you.

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    Become a carer at LAM Services and enjoy a healthy work environment, competitive salary as well as strong support from everyone at work.
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